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    At Hi-Lite, we believe in safety! “We prepare airfields today for a safer tomorrow.” Here at SJU we have an excellent partnership with the airport operator Aerostar Airport Holdings, LLC and together we share the same goals of working towards the safe operation of the airport.

    That’s why we manage an Airfield Maintenance Service plus (AMS+) program to help ensure that all the airfield surfaces are clean and properly marked and in compliance with FAA standards. We also provide vacuum sweeping through the runways and AOA to keep them clean and free from FOD. This is an important element in our program because “Foreign Object Debris” are any strange objects that may cause damage or injury to any airport staff or aircrafts. That’s why we emphasize in FOD control as part of our AMS+ program.

    This past June, the Airport’s Safety Committee organized the annual FOD Walk to create awareness among all the airport personnel and to motivate them to keep the airport FOD free. Hi-Lite Puerto Rico supported this initiative, and once again participated and sponsored the SJU FOD WALK 2017 on June 29.

    The Airport Safety Committee revamped this year’s FOD Walk by changing the traditional location. This year, the FOD walk started on Taxiway H through Runway 10-28. This was very exciting for the airport personnel because not everyone gets to walk on the runways every day. During the event all the attention turned to Hi-Lite’s Waterblaster since Hi-Lite’s technicians performed a demonstration of rubber removal near the runway centerline. Everyone had a close look of the state-of-the-art equipment at its best and experienced the decontamination process that keeps runways safe for landings and take offs.

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